It’s that time of year again.  October is the month we set aside for Pastors to show their appreciation to their congregation.  After all, you are the ones who pay for all the ministry I get to do.  You are the ones who have to suffer through every mistake I might make.  You are the ones who send notes of encouragement when the going gets tough.  You are the ones who welcome me into your homes and into your lives.  You are the ones that trust me with your biggest problems and share with me your heartfelt joys.  You are the ones who give me a reason to study for hours on end in God’s wonderful book.  You are the ones that encourage my wife and my kids in all of the ministry they help with.  You are the ones that we call family.


Thanks First Baptist Church of Hulett.  I appreciate you.


“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.”  1 Timothy 1:12